Bookmarks: Why Even Bother?

 Hello and welcome. New post - new topic. For today we have bookmarks.

As it turns out, there are tons of online-services for organising your bookmarks. To tell the truth, I had no clue that people even needed those, but apparently they do. So let me make a quick review.

This service helps the user to save not only online pages, but to highlight certain information on the site, to save notes and images and some other functions I don't care about. 


The next one is supposed to replace your home page in the selected browser, It provides the user with widgets with the marked sites and syncs with other devices. 

Maybe I'm not familiar with the situation in which you need a lange amount of bookmarks, but at present moment of my life I genuinely do not understand the reason of existence of such services. Erything you might need you can easily find within the built-it functions of (supposedly) any browser. Let's take as an example the one that I and loads of other people on the planet use - Google.

Here you can see my home page. Five widgets with bookmarked websites, and, as you can see, it is possible to add more if you need to. I personally don't enjoy using the widgets. You can also use the search string from the home page. 

Right under the opened tabs there is a bookmark panel. It is accessible from any page, so you don't have to open anything additional. You can also create folders to organise your bookmarks, which will save time on looking for the one that is needed. As you can see, all of my bookmarked pages connected with the university studies are in one folder, so I don't have to scroll through a long list of boormarks. And obviously it is synced with my phone, because I have one Google account for all my devices. 

In conclusion I would like to say that first you should study all the functions of any basic service that you use, and only then search for additional ones wich will fill the gap. Don't create a mess on your devices and stay tuned.
