Online-services for Self-education

 Hello, are you still reading this blog? That's a pleasant surprise. Today I'm going to share my opinion once again, this time - on various online-services for self-education. To be exact, on Quizlet, Duolingo, Seedlang, and Codewars.

1. Quizlet

We all know what Quizlet is, what it looks like and how to use it. This service helps learners to get aquianted with and memorize lagre amounts of vocabulary thanks to its methods. It helps a lot when a teacher actually knows how to use it and creates customised vocabulary tests for students. I'm very thankful to a teacher who introduced it to us on our first year, because we actually have been using it ourselves throughout the years. Quizlet is easy to manage, so you can create a quiz for yourself or for your group within 15 minutes. Ideally we should make a quiz for ourselves on Quizlet for every topic we learn in any class, because this way, even if everyone does it only once, we would feel much more confident speculating on specific topics. But this world, sadly, never was and will never be ideal.

2. Duolingo

Almost everyone has heard of this service at some point of their lives. Mobile app is much more popular than their website, because of the mobility (obviously) and easy acsess. There are many language courses to choose from, but most of them are for English speakers. For us this is not a problem. I don't think English course can do us any good, supposedly only to refresh our memory in a couple of aspects. That's because basically all the courses are made to learn a language from the very beginning. German course, however, does help a lot. At the moment we haven't learned that much of German, so it helps to structurize the information that we get in class, especially when you manage to syncronize the topics. This app really motivates you to consume little chunks of vocabulary and gramar every day, and that is one of the best things you can do while learning a language - to exercise regurally. Although in my humble opinion it focuses too much on translation, so you can barely find any lessons without addressing to your native language. This contrasts greatly with the methods which our German teacher prefers - she started speaking German to us from the very beginning and in case we didn't understand something, she tried to clarify it in German words that are more primitive rather than speaking Russian.

3. Seedlang

Seedlang is another mobile app that I use to practice my German. It is the application made mostly by creators and content-makers of the YouTube channel Easy German. This is one of the greatest channels about the German language that I know, it is always interesting to watch their videos even though my language skills are far from perfection. They insert both English and German subtitles, they explain various grammatical constructions, touch upon phonetical percularities of the language, doing social experiments, and for every topic they introduce they do a little scene with a dialogue to see how this or that construction or word is used in actual speech. Seedlang has a lot of categories, so you can choose yourself what do you want to do today. And in addition every word is voiced by members of Easy German channel team.


This is a service I literally just got aquianted with, so I can't say much about it. Why did I put it on my list then? Well, I've spend about half an hour on this website and it became clear to me, that it is a pretty qualitative way to improve your knowledge and skills on grammar. There is a lot of well-written theory, tables and scemes, and in addition a quiz to check your knowledge. What else can a person wish for?

5. Codewars

Do you expect this to be some another language-learning service? Well, you shouldn't reduce your expectations. With this service you can test and improve your skills in a wide range of languages... Except that they are programming languages. Since we started to learn programming two years ago (and most of us finished doing it very fast) it's important not to forget at least the bare minimum of skills that we've aquired. So if you're interested, you are always welcomed there,feel free to chill out writing fun codes with me :)

That's all I have for today's post. Don't know whether this information was useful or whatever, but writing all this definetely helped me to structurize my self-education. So, thanks?..


  1. Super interesting info, thx. It was really useful, don't even doubt it!

    1. Thanks! Doing my best to keep you well-informed and intertained :)


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