Mobile Applications

 Good Day. This time let's touch upon several topics.

1. QR-codes

We know what it is, there's no need for me to explain. We see them quite often in everyday life, both online and offline. But how can they be used in education?

When I was at school, we had no QR-codes in our textbooks, but now pupils are studying by new textbooks which include QR-codes with various additional information: videos, websites, animations and articles. This renovation, in my opinion, makes the educational process much more visual and practical. 

QR-codes really help during various social activities, because you give all the people with a phone and a camera aссess to certain piece of information. For instance, if you are doing a survey, you can either put the link to your questionnarie somewhere online or print the QR-code with your questionnarie on sheets of paper and hand them out or hang somewhere in the public place of your desire. 

QR-codes simplify to a great extent the process of following a link, because nobody wants to type numerous symbols and numbers, I suppose it will be much more productive if the tutors would include QR-codes in their presentations instead of links so students can simply follow them right away,

2. Quizlet

I have talked about Quizlet in one of my older posts, so I won't do it again. So, as a proof that our group actually uses it during our educational process, I will provide you, my readers, with a link to a recent project that me and my fellow student have created. Here you can learn lots of phrases and idioms describing human character.


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