Evolution of the Web

 How is the Web evolving and why is it even important? In this post I'll tell you how the Web was changing over the years. Think about how the Enternet affects your daily life and how the society has changed as the result of the Enternet. Now the Enternet is undergoing another shift. The Web has evolved significantly. The Web evolution is often divided into 3 phases. Now let's talk about each one a bit. 

Web 1.0

Web 1.0 the first version of the web. Most of the participants were the consumers of the content, and the creators wre usually the developers of the website containing the information provided primarily in text or image format. It lasted approximately since 1991 to 2004. The Web consisted of websites, providing static content, and the sites were not very interactive.

Web 2.0

You can think of Web 2 as an interactive and social web. You don't have to be a developer to participate. If you have an idea and you can share it with the world, it is possible. Web 2 is simple, and that's why more and more people all around the world are becoming creators. This is also achieved by the growth and development of various applications, that make the prosess of creation acessible and easy for everyone. 

Web 3.0

There are some basic differences between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, but the focus is on decent realisation. Web 3.0 add some more features to the Enternet. The era of Web 3.0 is sometimes referred to as the era of cryptocurrency, because the latter is a vital part of many prosseses in the Web today. 

Second Life

Second Life is an unarguably great software. It can help a lot in language learning and language teaching, when there is no possibility to attend real-life classes and lectures. But due to the fact that almost nobody of my groupmates has heard of, let alone used whis software, I can assume that it's pretty outdated. There is a number of more up-to-date services, which can be used to achieve multiple various goals. VR chat, Minecraft and Roblox are some of them. To tell the truth, I cannot be absolutely sure that the enumerated services have better interface or other features, but I'm sure that it would be more effective to use something that the students are familiar with and/or used to.


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