Why am I Even Here?...

 So, you want to be a teacher, huh? Me too. A teacher of a foreign language, to be exact. What does one nees to start a career as a teacher of a foreign language? The answer is pretty much obvious: one must know a foreign language and one must know how to teach. As a 4th year student, I know English pretty well, but nobody can ever learn a language to the max as it is in constant flux, so there's always room for progress. When it comes to teaching methodics, the situation is similar - in the result of the technological progress we have a bunch of new tools, platforms and media to use in the educational prosess. In this blog I will be talking and exploring various media that can help me to achieve my dream. Stay tuned!


  1. It sounds terribly exciting!

  2. Nice to meet you! Where you've been? I could show you incredible things!!


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